Results for 'Cynthia Alarcón Múgica'

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    Contemporary Readings in the Foundations of Metaphysics.Stephen Laurence & Cynthia Macdonald (eds.) - 1998 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume is a comprehensive survey of contemporary thought on a wide range of issues and provides students with the basic background to current debates in metaphysics.
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    Los feminismos de Spinoza: corporalidad y renaturalización.Isabel Balza Múgica - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 63:13.
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    Mistakes weren’t made: Three-year-olds’ comprehension of novel-verb passives provides evidence for early abstract syntax.Katherine Messenger & Cynthia Fisher - 2018 - Cognition 178 (C):118-132.
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    Predicted errors in children’s early sentence comprehension.Yael Gertner & Cynthia Fisher - 2012 - Cognition 124 (1):85-94.
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  5. Neuroenhancement.Alexandre Erler & Cynthia Forlini - 2020 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
    Entry on "Neuroenhancement" in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
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    The public impact of academic and print media portrayals of TMS: shining a spotlight on discrepancies in the literature.Veljko Dubljević, Cynthia Rosenfeld & Abigail Scheper - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundTranscranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an FDA approved treatment for major depression, migraine, obsessive compulsive disorder, and smoking addiction. TMS has gained popular media support, but media coverage and commercial reporting of TMS services may be contributing to the landscape of ethical issues.MethodsWe explore the differences between the academic and print media literature portrayals of TMS to evaluate their ethical impact for the public. We performed a comprehensive literature review using PubMed and NexisUni databases to evaluate the literature available on (...)
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  7. Crónica del II Congreso Nacional de Filosofía Medieval: Etica y política en el Pensamiento medieval, fundamentos de la modernidad.M. Dolby Mugica - 1995 - Revista Agustiniana 36 (109):267-282.
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    El hombre como imagen de Dios en la especulación agustiniana.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 1989 - Augustinus 34 (133-134):119-154.
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    El ser personal en San Agustín.María C. Dolby Múgica - 2006 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13:21.
    The concept of person arises in the conjunction of Greek Philosophy carried out by Saint Augustine. Both men and women are persons because they carry the image of God in their soul. The desire of Happiness, Truth and Good show the longings of the personal being.
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    In Memoriam. Antonio Pérez Estévez.María C. Dolby Múgica - 2008 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 15:151.
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    Juan Pegueroles Moreno.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (2):15-17.
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    La libertad agustiniana.María Del C. Dolby Múgica - 2004 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 11:49.
    Saint Augustine conception of freedom forges through his polemics with Manichees and Pelagians. Augustine defends the existence of freedom against the Manichees and he considerates it the real cause of evil or sin as well as capable of obteining merits. Face to Pelagians he affirms that liberum arbitrium needs God grace to do good arriving to a more perfect freedom, libertas, which consists in the need to do the good. The goal of freedom is God, man's highest good and happiness.
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  13. San Agustín y Kierkegaard: dos filósofos religiosos.M. Dolby Mugica - 1995 - Revista Agustiniana 36 (111):791-807.
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  14. Simone Weil y la crítica al marxismo a través de su concepción del trabajo.Maria Del Dolby Mugica - 2002 - Espíritu 51 (125):79-92.
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    La contemporaneidad transcultural de la pintura de Juan Baños en China.Joaquín López-Múgica - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe2):101-124.
    Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es explorar en el contexto de Shanghái la manera en que se revelan, definen y cuestionan las distancias y las cercanías entre las culturas china y española a través de los lienzos pictóricos de Juan Antonio Baños. Su nomadismo o condición de extranjero va a plantear algunas dudas sobre la identidad y el lugar que el artista ocupa en el mundo contemporáneo, además de sugerir algunos patrones según los cuales las fronteras desaparecen, mientras que (...)
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  16. Agustín de Tagaste: el itinerario de la sabiduría.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 1988 - Revista Agustiniana 29 (90):435-500.
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    Civilización y participación política: una aportación temprana de Tocqueville.Fernando Múgica - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):135-182.
    Tocqueville conceives early his concept of political participation, within a particular philosophical context: the theory of civilization elaborated by his teacher, Guizot. In that context, Tocqueville outlines his theory of aristocratic civilization, in connection with the Germanic sense of liberty. His concept of democratic civilization is actually an analysis of the several layer which compose the European idea of democratic liberty. The American sense of municipal liberty keeps some traces of the aristocratic political civilization. It is a rare result of (...)
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    El habitar y la técnica: Polo en diálogo con Marx.Fernando Múgica - 1996 - Anuario Filosófico 29 (55):815-850.
    Professor Leonardo Polo's theory about man as a dweller constitutes the framework for a dialogue with Marx. According to the latter, man realizes himself as species through work, creating his own conditions for survival by dwelling in the world. Furthermore this process presuposses that technical progress will have a historical culmination. According to Polo, neither can we view man as a finished product now nor in the future, nor can modern technology warrant such a culmination.
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  19. El pensamiento antropológico medieval en los ámbitos islámicos, hebreo y cristiano.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 1993 - Revista Agustiniana 34 (105):1035-1045.
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  20. EL problema del mal en san Agustín y la racionalidad de lo real.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 1989 - Revista Agustiniana 30 (93):437-454.
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  21. El ser personal en San Agustín.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2006 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13:21-30.
  22. (1 other version)I Congreso Nacional de Filosofía Medieval.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (98):675-677.
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  23. La correspondencia filosófica de Edith Stein (1916-1933): un espejo de inquietudes intelectuales.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2009 - Diálogo Filosófico 73:95-126.
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  24. La ciencia y la técnica al servicio del hombre en Simone Weil.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2010 - Diálogo Filosófico 78:423-440.
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    La influencia del diálogo "Hortensio" de Cicerón en S. Agustín.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico 34 (70):555-564.
    One of the fundamental events in the life of Saint Augustine was its encounter with Cicero. The reading of the dialogue Hortensius led St. Augustine to study Philosophy. Cicero provided him with a vague concept of Wisdom that made him see that happiness is not in the material but in the spiritual world. However Saint Augustine was disappointed by the probabilism of Cicero in subjects as important as God, the immortality of human soul..., questions on which the Christian doctrine has (...)
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  26. La libertad agustiniana.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2004 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 11:49-66.
    La concepción agustiniana de la libertad se va fraguando al hilo de sus polémicas con los maniqueos y pelagianos. Agustín defiende la existencia de la libertad frente a los maniqueos y la considera la causante del mal o pecado así como capaz de méritos. Frente a los pelagianos afirma que el liberum arbitrium necesita de la gracia de Dios para hacer el bien y de este modo llegar a un grado más perfecto de libertad, la libertas, que consiste en le (...)
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    The Person in Saint Augustine.María del Carmen Dolby Múgica - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 14:29-43.
    The concept of person arises in the conjunction of Greek Philosophy carried out by Saint Augustine. Both men and women are persons because they carry the image of God in their soul. On bearing the mind God's mark in its memory, it will wish for happiness. On bearing God's mark in its intelligence, it will wish for Truth and on bearing God's mark in its will it will wish for the Good since the desire for happiness is a wish or (...)
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  28. Tiempo social y tiempo total: el tiempo, estructura simbólica de la sociedad.Fernando Múgica - 2006 - In Rafael Alvira, Héctor Ghiretti & Montserrat Herrero López, La experiencia social del tiempo. Barañáin, Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. pp. 101--120.
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  29. Irony in critical.Joana Garmendia Mugica - 2010 - Pragmatics and Cognition 18 (2):397-422.
  30. Revisiting Searle.Joana Garmendia Mugica - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (3):191-196.
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    A global perspective? Framing analysis of U.S. textbooks’ discussion of Nigeria.Oluseyi Matthew Odebiyi & Cynthia S. Sunal - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (2):239-248.
    Students are expected to develop the intellectual capacity needed to accurately portray other world societies. Few research studies in social studies education, however, draw on a systematic textbook analysis to investigate global perspectives on non-Western societies such as those found in African nations. Situated in framing theory, this study employs a qualitative content analysis approach to examine textual and visual curricular representations of non-Western societies framed in the content of four U.S. world history/cultures and geography textbooks by considering specifically how (...)
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  32. What makes an inquiry‐oriented science teacher? The influence of learning histories on student teacher role identity and practice.Charles J. Eick & Cynthia J. Reed - 2002 - Science Education 86 (3):401-416.
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    Emotion and Visual Imagery in Dream Reports: A Narrative Graphing Approach.Jeffrey P. Sutton, Cynthia D. Rittenhouse, Edward Pace-Schott, Jane M. Merritt, Robert Stickgold & J. Allan Hobson - 1994 - Consciousness and Cognition 3 (1):89-99.
    To test the notion that shifts in visual imagery and attention are correlated with experiences of emotion, we studied 10 dream reports using an affirmative probe of emotion and a quantitative measure of plot discontinuity. We found that emotion, especially changes in emotion, are correlated with discontinuities in visual imagery. These correlations are quantified using a new graph theoretical method for analyzing narrative reports.
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  34. Humanoid robots: A new kind of tool.Bryan Adams, Cynthia Breazeal, Rodney Brooks & Brian Scassellati - 2000 - IEEE Intelligent Systems 15 (4):25-31.
    In his 1923 play R.U.R.: Rossum s Universal Robots, Karel Capek coined In 1993, we began a humanoid robotics project aimed at constructing a robot for use in exploring theories of human intelligence. In this article, we describe three aspects of our research methodology that distinguish our work from other humanoid projects. First, our humanoid robots are designed to act autonomously and safely in natural workspaces with people. Second, our robots are designed to interact socially with people by exploiting natural (...)
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    Ecofeminist Epistemology in Vandana Shiva’s The Feminine Principle of Prakriti and Ivone Gebara’s Trinitarian Cosmology.Cynthia Garrity-Bond - 2018 - Feminist Theology 26 (2):185-194.
    The ecofeminist cosmologies of Indian scientist Vandana Shiva and Catholic theologian Ivone Gebara are examined. At the centre of each author’s discourse is their feminist epistemology that occasion a new way of knowing, incorporating each thinker’s social locations as nexus for authority. For Shiva, the feminine principle of Prakriti, or the awareness of nature as a living, interdependent force, is realized through the inclusion of women as sources of expertise and knowledge. Gebara rejects classical theology and philosophy as androcentric, anthropocentric, (...)
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    (1 other version)The importance of context, beliefs and values in leadership development.Frank Hamilton & Cynthia J. Bean - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (4):336–347.
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    Not All Clarities Are Created Equal: The Politics of “Opaqueness”.Aída Hurtado & Cynthia M. Paccacerqua - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (3):620-627.
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    Perceptions of contraceptive methods: a multidimensional scaling analysis.Victor J. Callan & Cynthia Gallois - 1984 - Journal of Biosocial Science 16 (2):277-286.
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    Imperial Aspirations: Relics and Reliquaries of the Byzantine Periphery.Branislav Cvetković & Cynthia Hahn - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):182-201.
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    Understanding Corporate Responsibility: Culture and Complicity.Chris Degeling, Cynthia Townley & Wendy Rogers - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (9):18-20.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 9, Page 18-20, September 2011.
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    Politiques de coalition: penser et se mobiliser avec Judith Butler = Politics of coalition: thinking collective action with Judith Butler.Delphine Gardey & Cynthia Kraus (eds.) - 2016 - Zurich: Seismo.
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    The Hidden Curriculum in Ethics and its Relationship to Professional Identity Formation: A Qualitative Study of Two Canadian Psychiatry Residency Programs.Mona Gupta, Cynthia Forlini & Laurence Laneuville - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 3 (2):80-92.
    The residency years comprise the last period of a physician’s formal training. It is at this stage that trainees consolidate the clinical skills required for independent practice and achieve a level of ethical development essential to their work as physicians, a process known as professional identity formation (PIF). Ethics education is thought to contribute to ethical development and to that end the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) requires that formal ethics education be integrated within all postgraduate (...)
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    Herodotus 2.96. 1–2 Again.Cheryl W. Haldane & Cynthia W. Shelmerdine - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):535-.
    As A. B. Lloyd points out, the passage from Herodotus which includes this sentence is the most important non-Egyptian commentary on Ancient Egyptian shipbuilding. In the years following the discovery of the Dynasty IV ships buried beside Khufu's pyramid at Giza , J. S. Morrison suggested a change in the translation of the word επκτωσαν. Traditionally, and in Lloyd's commentary, the verb μπακτω has been interpreted as meaning ‘to caulk’. Morrison, however, believes that επκτωσαν ought to refer to reinforcement of (...)
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    The International Baccalaureate: International education and cultural preservation.Mary C. Hayden & Cynthia S. D. Wong - 1997 - Educational Studies 23 (3):349-361.
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    Australian University Students’ Coping Strategies and Use of Pharmaceutical Stimulants as Cognitive Enhancers.Charmaine Jensen, Cynthia Forlini, Brad Partridge & Wayne Hall - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Colloquy.Cynthia Jones-Nosacek, Kathleen M. Raviele, Les Ruppersberger & Anthony J. Caruso - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (2):193-198.
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    (2 other versions)Opinion.Adam M. Kanzer & Cynthia A. Williams - 2003 - Business Ethics 17 (2):5-5.
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  48. Ethical dilemmas in treating chronic pain in the context of addiction.Joanna G. Katzman & Cynthia M. A. Geppert - 2008 - In Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Laura Weiss Roberts, The book of ethics: expert guidance for professionals who treat addiction. Center City, Minn.: Hazelden.
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    Philosophical Thresholds.Leonard Lawler & Cynthia Willett - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):5-7.
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    Caring About Meatballs, Autonomy, and Human Dignity: Neuroethics and the Boundaries of Decision Making Among Persons With Dementia.Peter Novitzky, Cynthia Chen & Calvin W. L. Ho - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (2):96-98.
    The long-running discourse on respect for human dignity and autonomy in the physician-patient relationship pertaining to persons with dementia (PwDs) is explored deeply in this paper through the use of a real-life case, to highlight the complex interplay between autonomy and best interest when it comes to a PwD's experiential and critical interests. Many scenarios and perspectives are described and applies to the case. However, there are a few perspectives, which are touched upon that could do with further scrutiny. Firstly, (...)
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